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Baxter Is Sick

The day we've been both fearing and preparing for has come. Baxter is sick. He hasn't been eating much and has lost a whole pound in less than a week. This is the first time Big Dog has been sick and I have to believe he has a lot of fight left in him. He's part of the family. We just lost my sister two months ago and we can't handle another loss right now. We took Baxter to the vet this morning. Baxter was dehydrated from not eating and drinking so they gave him subcutaneous fluids. The Dr. also gave him a an injection of a long lasting antibiotic as he's not eating and we can't give him anything orally everyday. Now we just have to wait and see if it works. He said he's seen FIV cats who don't make it through their first illness, some who hardly get sick at all and some that live a rollercoaster life with ups and downs with their health. So, really, we just have to wait and hope for the best.

Here are a few more pictures of his little adventure a few nights ago...

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