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Adorable Kitten Videos

2 adorable video's of Saturn & Fluffy Butt in this post. This kitten, Saturn, fell asleep on my husband. Every time John touches Saturn's nose, the kitten shakes his lil head and proceeds to be adorable. We found this hysterical. Yes, we are easily amused humans. About 1 minute into the vid, Saturn decides to stop performing and starts cleaning our hideous human cooties off of his nose so we can't touch it :)

Fluffy Butt had just finished his plate of canned, wet food when he jumped up on Foster Daddy. His face is covered in food and, as usual, he wants to nuzzle our faces (eww, I know, but it's so sweet when his face is clean!). He saw Saturn getting his 15 minutes while we bopped him on the nose. Fluffy Butt wants to be famous too! He doesn't do it in the video but Fluffy likes to give us kisses on our noses. Sometimes he gives us lil love bites but he's always gentle. Kind of like he's saying, "You will love me and you will like it!"

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