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The Kittens Are Opening Their Eyes!

At 1 week old, our foster kittens are starting to open their eyes! Aren't those some of the cutest lil eyeballs you've ever seen in your entire life? ;-) Their little umbilical cord stumps have fallen off by now.

By this point we have determined that we have 3 boys and 2 girls. Sandy is a gorgeous beige color and she really stands out among her orange siblings. The 2 lighter babies are both boys. I refer to them as the 'orange' kittens. We've named them Chunk and King. Chunk has this adorable round head and was the first to start opening his eyes. The 2 darker babies are a boy and a girl. I call them the 'red' kittens because they look more like a 'red head'. The girl is Cashmere. She's dainty and fragile looking while her brother, Adventurer, is bigger boned and more sturdy. My daughter named all of the babies except for Chunk (I named him the first day because he was the biggest kitten of the litter.) Now I tried to call the red boy kitten 'Adventurer' but, really, it's a mouth full. So I consulted with Sadria and we agreed that we could call him 'Venti' for short. Venti is, you guessed it, our lil adventurer!

The sight of Nala's open wounds are still cringe worthy but are healing slowly. I'm including some pictures of her rear end so you can see the progress. The most I can do for her at this point is make sure her bedding and the floors she lays down on are clean and dry. In some of the pictures you can see all the bloody spots on the bedding before it was changed. I've been changing her bedding about twice a day.

Nala continues to be an amazing mother. She's so attentive and keeps her babies very clean. At this age, they still don't use the litter box. So mama has the fun job of licking their lil butts clean as they urinate and have bowel movements. She's doing great, especially considering she is still in pain. As Nala is the only one moving around in their room and using the litter box, it was stayed pretty clean and easy to keep up with. You'd think a newborn litter would be harder to take care of but Mama does most of the work at this point. I'm posting more pictures below the video.


Chunk & Sandy

That's one happy Mama :)

This is Nala's left side...

And her right side...

Straight from behind her.

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