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Back With Mama And purring!

I'm including 3 videos in today's post.

We continued to encourage Cheri to lay down with the kittens and it finally started to work! We spent an hour in the floor this morning just loving on her to keep her in bed with her babies. We kept doing this throughout the day. It was a lot work but it was worth every second on that cold hard tile to see her babies get to snuggle their mama again.

After hand feeding for a couple days the kittens both perked up and are doing much better. When we first got them, they were so lethargic that you could barely tell they were breathing. Now they're moving around and making noise! I think Cheri rejected the kittens because she knew they weren't well. Tucker is still weak and very small. We're going to have to watch him carefully.

In the purring videos:

The little 'clicking' sound you hear is Tanner purring! At 4 days old, this is the youngest I've ever seen a newborn truly purr. So cute!

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