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Saying Goodbye: Scrubby's Last Vlog & Celebrating His Life.

It's been a week now since Scrubby passed away. I have cried and cried and I've felt kind of lost. I didn't know what to upload for our subscribers. Should I share Scrubba's very personal and intimate last video? Should I post the Kitten UnBoxing for litter #12 that only made it two days with us before they too passed away? I said in my blog last week that it's hard to want to immortalize these heart breaking memories on YouTube. (Video at the bottom)

Tonight, while crying of course, I decided I would upload Scubby's last video but list it as private until I was ready to share it with our subscribers. Our subscribers. I logged into my Foster The Felines account and that's when it happened. Holy crap, it happened. We now have 102 Subscribers! And I could not have done it without my first #FosterFail.

Over the last year as our channel has slowly grown and we've started to reach people, really reach people, we've talked about how cool it would be if we ever actually had 100 Subscribers. Our work with fostering these cats has been a group effort. My whole family selflessly gives their time, energy and love to these lil guys and their passion for saving them is beautiful. In addition to all of that, my husband and our two kids have been SO supportive about my blogs, videos, the Facebook page... All of it. And they always tell me how cool it is that I'm doing this and how proud they are of me. We all grew more excited as we got more and more subscribers, waiting for the day it rolled over to 100.

Tonight as I sat there staring at the number, 102, I thought about all of the messages that I want to share about this fostering gig. Of course there's the cuteness but it's so much more than that. I want people to understand how great the need is for more foster families and show them how it can be done. I want people to understand how important it is to 'adopt, don't shop'. I want to educate people on how important it is to spay and neuter our pets. I thought about our motto, “We foster so you can adopt”. And I realized that Scrubby's last video is a testament to the importance of fostering.

Scrubby and his two litter mates came to me at 1-2 days old with no mama and I raised them. Needless to say, I kept Scrubby with me and he spent the next 18 years and 3 months by my side. This was my first foster litter, he was my first 'foster fail'. Raising that litter was what made it so clear to me that fostering more litters in the future was something I was meant to do. Baxter gave us the confidence we needed to feel like we could actually handle fostering. But the dream, the intention, the goal—that all started with Scrubby.

Scubba's last video is sad. It's heart breaking. But I've decided to share it because Scrubby's life represents everything that animal rescuers are working for. We had 18 amazing years with our beautiful Old Man and his life proved that fostering works. Fostering is worth it. As we celebrate our 100 Subscribers we will also celebrate Scrubby's life and all of the love he shared with us. We love you, Scrubboodle, and we will never stop missing you <3

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