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How Adopting An FIV+ Cat Convinced Us To Foster Kittens!

Adopting An FIV Positive Cat, The Maine Coon Who Convinced Us To Foster! I know... You want cute lil kittens, right?! So do we! But we are currently waiting on a litter so I decided to introduce you to Baxter this week on Youtube. Last week I shared a very personal Farewell vlog with our Old Man kitty, Scrubby. This time I'm sharing a Welcome Home. Let me know in the comments if you'd like to see more Baxter videos in the future.

Baxter has a long story & I will include a couple blog links below to share the details. Baxter was a 2 yr old, FIV+ cat who had been stuck in a cage for months. Nobody wants a cat with a 'death sentence'. He was extremely depressed & he was running out of time. The shelter's staff were all campaigning for this beautiful beast to get a chance at a Forever Home. It turned out that we were that chance.

We adopted Baxter on Valentines Day, 2014. The video I'm sharing today is on the 15th, one day after we brought him home. It was a night & day difference between the wary street cat we picked up the day before & the loving beast in this video. I swear, Baxter knew he had been saved, and he was grateful.

So where does he fit into this channel? Well, you learned that Scrubby was my original foster kitten. With Baxter, we took a giant leap of faith adopting this kitty who came with so many questions. We hadn't known much about FIV before we fell in love with him. It was scary but we were brave; seeing Baxter happy made it worth all of our fears. We decided if we could be brave enough to adopt our Beast, we could be brave enough to finally start fostering.

There is no commentary explaining everything in this video, hence the long description here... At the time I had no idea I would eventually be brave enough to share this journey with the rest of the world. I do hope you'll take the time to read his first 2 blog posts that I have published for public view. We had 6 amazing months with Baxter before he got sick & we lost him. As you can see, 54 foster cats later, the encouraging nudge he gave us to foster and his impact on our life has remained front and center. This well behaved STREET CAT in this video, so happy to have his humans and be out of that cage... It's why we do this.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments. Would you like to see more Baxter videos and hear about his journey?

I want to thank Mandy & Tiane (again) who were so passionate about finding Baxter some humans!

Video Date 2/15/14 I suppose this is a boring video to an outsider but if you had seen how depressed he was in the shelter you would know that this was just an amazing transformation. We were SO happy to hear him purring and loving on us... I just can't put that joy into words!

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