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Favorite Cat Toys!

Our favorite toys

1. Bergan Turbo Scratcher Toy

BEST Scratch Toy Ever!! There is a lot of debate about DECLAWING with more and more animal lovers deciding against it. I know how difficult it is when you don't believe in declawing but your cat is tearing everything up so I wanted to share this toy with you. It has been a complete game changer at our house. If your kitty won't use a sisal rope or carpet scratching post, you might consider getting this Turbo Scratcher at the link below. This toy has been instrumental in teaching our foster kittens to use their claws appropriately.

I thought the corrugated cardboard would be a joke & torn up in days but it actually holds up really well & the cats ALL love it! With both our own cats and our fosters, it's been the BEST scratcher toy we've ever had. In the 1st 3 months (of having the Turbo Scratcher) we had 22 cats playing with the ball and scratching the pad daily. I didn't even have to turn it over to the other side until the 4th month. This is another big thing about this toy: you can turn over the scratch pad when the top begins to fray and use the bottom side before having to replace the pad.

2. Bergan Turbo Scratcher Replacement Pads

I also love that you can replace the scratch pads without having to buy a whole new toy. Added to that, the replacement pads are very affordable! Bergan Turbo Scratcher is so amazing that I bought a 2nd one when I ordered refills which are about $4-$6 for a 2 pack HERE. We've had them for 10 months now & I've only replaced one scratch pad. We have had a lot of cats that were resistant to sisal scratch posts and other scratchers but this toy seems to attract cats better than anything. If the scratcher pad part wasn't amazing enough, the ball that rolls around is lots of fun and my cats still haven't become bored with it!

3. Bergan Twinkle Ball Replacement

The cats LOVE this upgade! It takes the place of the regular ball in the Turbo toy but this ball has a motion activated LED flashing light inside to make it even more fun to play with! Only $2-$3 HERE.

4. Cat Dancer or Cat Charmer

We have a few favorites for this category. Our cats love these things so much that we have to hide ours or they'll drag it into bed and wake us up to play in the middle of the night! They are surprisingly durable and definitely worth buying for your fur baby!

Pet Fit For Life Retractable Wand With Feathers

You can change out the feathers and toys attached to this wand which means you can buy replacement packages without having to buy a whole new wand set! They are also easy to marinate in your catnip pellets before attaching them to the wand!

This one is a long strip of fleece attached to a plastic stick so you can drag it or sashay it to play with your kitties.

5. Catnip Pellets

Okay, this stuff rocks my socks off and can be used so many different ways. The pellets are much cleaner and easier to use than traditional loose, leaves/flakes of catnip that always seems to leave a dusty mess behind. It also lasts much longer which will save you money. Our fur babies LOVE catnip 'marinated' toys! What I call marinating is just putting some of their toys into the jar of catnip pellets and shake it around so that the toy is covered in the scent but but not dusty and messy. No mess makes for a happy Mama too! The scent stays on the toy for a surprisingly long time and since the scent is merely rubbing onto the toy, your pellets don't get used up -more saving. The pellets are easy to push into certain toys like plastic slotted balls or even into the scratch pads for the Turbo Scratcher. Using the catnip pellets mainly for the purpose of 'marinating' toys and the fact that the pellets last much longer has allowed for our current jar to last YEARS. Totally worth the cost.

6. Plastic Slotted Jingle Balls

Yes, these will drive you crazy so we usually put ours up after they play for a while (or they get lost under a table LOL). However, they are a great, cheap toy that allows me to push little catnip pellets into the ball. The cats go NUTS over this!

7. PomPoms & Kong Toys with Feathers

Toys like these are easy to find and they are our kitties favorite toys to 'marinate' in the catnip pellets. The Kong Fish & PomPoms are house favorites!

8. Laser Pointer

Every kitty needs a laser pointer! This one is probably pretty obvious but I think people forget to get it out to play with enough. I really prefer to buy the kind that take AA or AAA batteries and not the little disc/coin kind. The little disc batteries can be hard to find in the store, they cost more and they don't last as long. Most people keep some extra AA & AAA around the house so this makes sense for most homes. Another thing I look for when choosing a laser pointer is the on/off switch. I really don't like the kind that you have to hold down continuously while you use it. I like to be able to push the button and have it stay on while we play. I also really like having a combo flashlight/laser pointer. It just makes for a convenient & small flashlight that's (almost) always close by. The UV light on this model is also helpful in finding pet stains and ringworm.

9. Bouncy Tails

These rubber bouncy balls have feathers attached and they are perfect for cats that like to play fetch. They have a great bounce and the feathers are pretty durable.

10. Rattling Mice

I really love these because they rattle instead of jingle. If you deal with chronic headaches/migraines, these are a must have. They are great for 'marinating' in the catnip pellets and are pretty sturdy.

11. Cat Toy Springs

Our cat, Gravy Ava, loves these springs and they are one of her favorite toys. Our other cats could care less about them so this one is hit or miss but I had to include it.

Some of these product links are affiliate links. I promise that I will never recommend something that we don't love or personally wish we could have for our own cats and our fosters!

If you would like to send a gift to help cover the costs of fostering, please visit our Amazon Wish List!

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