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Time For A Checkup!

The kittens are doing SO much better! No more stinky babies and we couldn't be more grateful that they are healthy once again. They went back to the vet to get checked out and she said the ringworm is no longer active and they're healing well. Unfortunately, my instincts about Cleo not nursing were right and there was something going on there. Cleo's milk had dried up so when the babies tried to nurse, they weren't getting anything and it was becoming sore and painful for her. This is why she was hissing and growling at them. They decided to keep Cleo at the shelter since she couldn't nurse anymore and the babies are no longer dependent on her milk. She will be spayed and be ready for her Forever Home!

With the all-clear given on the ringworm and Cleo staying at the shelter, we were finally able to let the kittens roam freely around the house. I love watching them discover everything and it's so endearing how they stay in the same room with us, never venturing too far from their humans. Scrubby is tolerating their presence. He seems to have resigned himself to the fact that we're going to keep bringin home a bunch of random cats. The kittens are a tad weary of the big, scary Old Man. And, oh, the snuggles! All 5 babies are lap cats! Every time we put out their wet food they huddle around the plate in a circle and gobble it up, take a moment to clean themselves and promptly jump on my lap and settle in for a nap. All 5 of them. Every time! I love this snuggle time with them!

This is Scrubby 'tolerating' Runtz...

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