Adoption Day!
Today we brought home the 2 newest members of our family! We adopted Runtz and Noah. Oh boy... Three cats. Are we crazy? Well, yeah we...

Saying Goodbye
Today, Chin and Vee went back to the shelter to be neutered. They will go to an adoption event this weekend to find their Humans. It was...

Time For A Checkup!
The kittens are doing SO much better! No more stinky babies and we couldn't be more grateful that they are healthy once again. They went...
Let The Good Times Roll
So this is how John and I party while the kids are gone with their Nana & Grampy... Medicating 6 cats for ringworms at 4 AM, Pulling 2...

Ringworm Sucks!
Our poor litter of kittens have ringworm. They are in quarantine in their room (our master bath). One of them, the one we call Noah, has...

Here We Go Again...
We picked up our new foster litter today. This time we have a momma cat and 5 babies and they are totes adorbs. Yeah, I said it. That's...

Let The Spaying Begin
Our foster litter and their momma went back to the shelter today to be spayed. We are going to miss them so much! Update: 8/24/14 ALL of...

Growing Kittens
We've had our foster kittens and their momma for a whole month now. We get to keep them for one more week before they get spayed and get...

Dream Big
How often do you get to make one of your lifelong dreams come true? I have taken in, given medical treatment to and found forever homes...