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Bottle Feeding Kittens

Foster Daddy made these 'ramps' for the kittens to use in our big Iris cage where the big litter (mama & 8 kittens) is staying. I don't like the ramps that I found for sale that work with this cage; they are really steep. These towels work like a charm! They give them traction, wipe their paws & create a 'hammock' at the bottom for them to cuddle up on. We have added grommets and hooks to make it easier to take them out, wash them and reinsert them.

The 2nd video is Lavinia from litter #10 getting bottle fed. Her little ears twitch in sync with her swallows! So adorable! We're still helping Cheri supplement her milk supply when the kittens get hungry.

Bottle feeding Lavinia

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