So Close To Adoption! Litters #8 #9 #10 #11
We have been SO busy with 20 cats to care for and love! They are so amazing but, man alive, these babies keep us on our toes! I'm really...

More Snuggles & Lovin's #8 #9 #10 #11
The 1st vid is Sunshine & Epona from Litter #9 giving lots of sweet kisses and lovin's to Foster Mommy & Foster Daddy. In the 2nd vid,...

Conjunctivitis ~ How To Spot It
Some of our foster kittens are still sick and a few have really bad conjunctivitis. This is what it looks like. Their inner eyelids get...

Poop, Talking Kittens & Snuggles
Less than glamorous but necessary. I've always promised the truth about fostering and it's not always rainbows and unicorn farts. This is...

Kitten Unboxing ~ #11 #Bonus Kitty
This would be Litter #11 but she's just one lil kittay so she shall be a Bonus Kitten! I wouldn't normally just put her straight in with...

Twinkles Last Night With Us
This will be Twinkles last night with us. Twinkle has stopped nursing and seems to be going into heat so she will be going back to the...

Hand Feeding Wet Food W/ Syringe
Cheri was having some trouble with her nipples so we had to take the adopted litter out of her room for a couple days to let her heal. It...

1 Week Update & Collar Issues Litter #10 + #8 #9
Cheri's milk supply is definitely drying up so we're hand feeding them a bit more often. You can tell that they're not getting enough...

Kitten Lovin's ~ Update ~ ID Collars #8 #9 #10
In this video I had just gotten done hand feeding and was enjoying the cuddles, thought I'd share some Kitten Cuteness Overload in a...

Bottle Feeding Kittens
Foster Daddy made these 'ramps' for the kittens to use in our big Iris cage where the big litter (mama & 8 kittens) is staying. I don't...