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New Foster Kitten ~ We Cloned Olivia! Litter #13

We Cloned Olivia! Just kidding!! Our new Foster came into the shelter alone so it's just her but chronologically she is litter #13 (I keep records on our fosters & this helps me keep track of who was who and when they were with us). She does look like Olivia though and she is adorable! Also like Olivia, Claire came to us as a singleton so before we named her, we were calling her 'Bonus Kitty #2'.

Bonus Kitty #2 has been named Claire. If you don't follow us on Facebook, (All the cool kids are doing it! Come play with us!) you might not know that we lost litter #12 to Distemper after just a couple days with us. After losing Our Old Man, Scrubby, and 2 kittens in one week, it feels good to have another foster kitten in the house.

Claire has fleas and the poor lil girl has itchy flea bites all over her but we'll get her all fixed up! They used Revolution to treat her fleas before she came home with us but there are still a LOT of living blood suckers crawling all over her.

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