New Foster Kitten ~ We Cloned Olivia! Litter #13
We Cloned Olivia! Just kidding!! Our new Foster came into the shelter alone so it's just her but chronologically she is litter #13 (I...

Life, Love & 6 More Cats ~ Litter #7
Right after we dropped off litters #5 & #6 to be adopted, we had a death in the family. The last 6 weeks have been so hard and I can't...

I Can Stop At #6... Right?
“Melissa. I think you need an intervention.” This statement came from my best friend while I was saying something about feeding 9 cats....

It's Raining Kittens ~ 5th Fosters
UPDATE: On May 9th (Our 4th Litter) 4 of our fosters - Venti, King, Cashmere & Sandy - and their mama, Nala, went to KittenPalooza. They...

Foster Litter #4
UPDATE: I've finally added videos of these sweet babies on their first day with us. You can find the videos at the bottom of this post....

Our 3rd Foster Litter!
We picked up our new foster litter today. There are 6 kittens this time with no momma. Her milk had dried up so she stayed at the shelter...

Here We Go Again...
We picked up our new foster litter today. This time we have a momma cat and 5 babies and they are totes adorbs. Yeah, I said it. That's...

Dream Big
How often do you get to make one of your lifelong dreams come true? I have taken in, given medical treatment to and found forever homes...