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Here We Go Again...

We picked up our new foster litter today. This time we have a momma cat and 5 babies and they are totes adorbs. Yeah, I said it. That's just how gosh darn cute they are! We call the momma Cleo. There are four boys that we're calling Noah, Chin, Vee and Runtz. We are calling the little girl Indiana. She's our little adventurer. And Runtz, well he's our runt! He is so tiny! He wobbles when he walks and his lil tail quivers. He's absolutely adorable. This litter is only about 4 weeks old so we'll have this litter a little longer than our first fosters.

Our timing wasn't a coincidence. After losing Baxter we really needed that surge of love and happiness that these kittens bring into our life. Cleo isn't thrilled to see Scrubby so they will have to remain separated. I think she may end up being a one cat home kinda girl. Scrubby, in his forever cat-human state of mind, promptly huffed at us upon seeing our new guests.

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