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It's Raining Kittens ~ 5th Fosters

UPDATE: On May 9th (Our 4th Litter) 4 of our fosters - Venti, King, Cashmere & Sandy - and their mama, Nala, went to KittenPalooza. They all had their surgeries and had recovered with us for a few days. They were all adopted!

We aren't even done with Chunk yet and we've taken on another litter. Tiane is swimming in kittens that need foster homes and has posted a couple appeals for help this week. I knew it was coming. I've been watching their daily intake numbers... 37 with 11 cats from one home. One home! 43. 50. 43. 55. 31 and 14 ducklings (yes, ducklings) . There is simply not enough room and they need help.

John and our daughter went to the shelter to pick out a litter to bring home. Now here is a perfect example of why Missi isn't allowed to go to the shelter to pick up our fosters or take them back, etc. They got there and Tiane had a litter with a gorgeous long haired Mama cat. One of her babies was clearly going to be a long haired, fluffy kitten. John immediately said no because he knew exactly what would happen should he bring that litter home. I would fall in love with the fluffy Mama and her fluffy kitten and want to adopt them. Ya'll know I got a thing for fluffy kittens. Remember the Fluffy Kitten Lotto? Yeah, we have Fluffy Butt to prove just how much will power I have. LOL. And yes, his name is still Fluffy Butt and I apologize to him on a regular basis for him getting stuck with a name like that. ;-)

John and Sadria ended up bringing home a litter of 5 kittens with no mama cat. They are about 7 weeks old and there are 4 girls and 1 boy. We are calling the boy Charming and the girls are Maleficent, Princess, Tiara and Bashful. Yes, Say did the naming. See what she did there? It's a theme :) Princess is a tabby but the other 4 all look the same. Seriously, I can't even tell them apart yet. So I keep checking their nether regions when I'm holding them to see if I'm holding the boy or one of the girls. The Foster Daddy is getting a bit exasperated with me constantly shoving kitten butt in his face and asking, “Is this the boy or one of the girls?”

We gave them a bath immediately and then set them up with some wet food. Chunk is pretty interested in this new litter. Chunk was having a hard time staying well and we have worked really hard to keep him going. He was vomiting and lethargic and losing weight. But he's doing much better right now and is finally starting to put on some weight.

This is Charming-

Chunk snuggling with Noah and Runtz

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