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Adoption Day!

Today we brought home the 2 newest members of our family! We adopted Runtz and Noah. Oh boy... Three cats. Are we crazy? Well, yeah we are! LOL Bring on the lovin'; these boys are lap cats. It's a shame we can't make a business out of this. "We raise guaranteed lap cats!" We could make a fortune ;) Of course I'm just kidding. About the business part anyway. Every kitten that has fostered with us has left our home as a 'lap cat'. It makes it even harder to NOT adopt every single one of them when all of them are snugglers!

So how did we pick these two kittays to be our furever babies? It was easy. We chose the two that the Old Man didn't try to eat for lunch. Kidding!

Scrubby does at least tolerate them if not like them. Remember he's a cat-human so he can't be seen cavorting with just any feline, you know.

Runtz is determined to be Scrubby's pal, though. The Old Man ain't too sure about that.

But the kids? Oh yeah, they are in love with their newly permanent tiny humans and the feeling is mutual :)

This is Noah... Noah Balboa :)

And this is Runtz. Look at that dirty lil nose. His full name is Runticus Ginormicus. Get it? It's ironic ;)

And I just might get the stink eye from Gavin for posting this cutie patootie photo :)

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