So Close To Adoption! Litters #8 #9 #10 #11
We have been SO busy with 20 cats to care for and love! They are so amazing but, man alive, these babies keep us on our toes! I'm really...

More Snuggles & Lovin's #8 #9 #10 #11
The 1st vid is Sunshine & Epona from Litter #9 giving lots of sweet kisses and lovin's to Foster Mommy & Foster Daddy. In the 2nd vid,...

Conjunctivitis ~ How To Spot It
Some of our foster kittens are still sick and a few have really bad conjunctivitis. This is what it looks like. Their inner eyelids get...

Poop, Talking Kittens & Snuggles
Less than glamorous but necessary. I've always promised the truth about fostering and it's not always rainbows and unicorn farts. This is...

Kitten Unboxing ~ #11 #Bonus Kitty
This would be Litter #11 but she's just one lil kittay so she shall be a Bonus Kitten! I wouldn't normally just put her straight in with...

Update Vlog Litters #8, #9 & #10 - Surrogate Mama Cat
Cheri has accepted the 4 motherless kittens! This video has another tip about getting a mama cat to 'adopt' another litter. She is...