Waste Disposal For Bottle Baby Foster Kittens
What do you use to “pee & poo” your bottle baby kittens? And how do you dispose of the waste? It's not the best part of this gig but it's...

Treating URI's, Conjunctivitis, Kitty Colds, Upper Respiratory Infections In Cats & Kittens
Please remember that eye infections & Upper Respiratory Infections can be very serious and it's best to see a vet. Keeping in mind that...

How To Start A Wish List For Your Foster Kittens
Starting A Wish List It might help you understand these instructions if you check out the way I have things set up. First, you can go to...

Should You Declaw Your Cat?
I do not recommend declawing. I had 3 of our family cats declawed before I fully learned how it's done and the possible complications it...

Favorite Cat Toys!
Our favorite toys 1. Bergan Turbo Scratcher Toy BEST Scratch Toy Ever!! There is a lot of debate about DECLAWING with more and more...

Claire Plays On Christmas + Spay & Adoption Day!
On Christmas morning, we found Claire playing with a stolen mini marshmallow! Apparently one of our kitties tore open a bag of mini...

Snuggle Time With Claire
Kitten Purring & Just Being Adorable 😺 Snuggle Time With Claire after her bath. Claire needed a bath -which she was not happy about!-...

Claire Does Some Shopping 😺 Flea Revolution Update
Claire Does Some Cyber Shopping 😺 Flea Update W/ Revolution +Thrifty Foster Kitten On Black Friday. Claire sat with Foster Daddy to get...

How To Bathe A Kitten With Fleas
Poor Claire is covered in flea bites, so itchy. I decided she was ready for a bath last night & there were quite a few fleas still alive...

New Foster Kitten ~ We Cloned Olivia! Litter #13
We Cloned Olivia! Just kidding!! Our new Foster came into the shelter alone so it's just her but chronologically she is litter #13 (I...